ReNUEVA tu ropa, tus ideas, tus textiles de casa, tu humor, tus colores.
ReNEW es un evento de intercambio y reciclaje de ropa creado con la intención de alargar la vida de tus prendas de vestir. Durante esta tarde de sábado te aconsejaremos cómo zurcir, teñir, rediseñar o coser las prendas, que has decidido renovar y podrás experimentar con nosotros.
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ReNEW your clothes, your ideas, your home textiles, your mood, your colors.
ReNEW is an event to swap and recycle clothes created with the intention to elongate the life of your clothes. During this Saturday afternoon we will guide you how to mend, redesign, dye or sew the clothes that you have decided to renew and you will be able to experiment with us.